
Please read the following disclosures about Balentine, designations, and awards we have received.

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About Balentine

Balentine LLC (“Balentine”) is an independent investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. More information about Balentine, including our investment strategies, fees, and objectives, is included in the Form ADV Part 2, which is available upon request. The opinions expressed herein are those of Balentine and are subject to change. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The opinions expressed are those of Balentine. The opinions referenced are as of the date of publication and are subject to change due to changes in the market or economic conditions and may not necessarily come to pass. Forward looking statements cannot be guaranteed.

Balentine is an SEC-registered investment adviser with offices in Atlanta, Georgia and Raleigh, North Carolina. Balentine may only transact business in those states in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements. Balentine’s website is limited to the dissemination of general information pertaining to its advisory services, together with access to additional investment-related information, publications, and links. Accordingly, the publication of Balentine’s website on the internet should not be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as Balentine’s solicitation to effect, or attempt to effect transactions in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, over the internet. Any subsequent, direct communication by Balentine with a prospective client shall be conducted by a representative that is either registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration in the state where the prospective client resides. For information pertaining to the registration status of Balentine, please contact the SEC or the state securities regulators for those states in which Balentine maintains a notice filing. A copy of Balentine’s current written disclosure statement discussing Balentine’s business operations, services, and fees is available from Balentine upon written request. Balentine does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness, suitability, completeness, or relevance of any information prepared by any unaffiliated third party, whether linked to the Balentine web site or incorporated herein, and takes no responsibility therefore. All such information is provided solely for convenience purposes only and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.

Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended and/or undertaken by Balentine or any non-investment related services, will be profitable, equal any historical performance level(s), be suitable for your portfolio or individual situation, or prove successful. Balentine is neither a law firm nor an accounting firm, and no portion of its services should be construed as legal or accounting advice. Moreover, you should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this document serves as the receipt of, or as a substitute for, personalized investment advice from Balentine. Please remember that it remains your responsibility to advise Balentine, in writing, if there are any changes in your personal/financial situation or investment objectives for the purpose of reviewing/evaluating/revising our previous recommendations and/or services, or if you would like to impose, add, or to modify any reasonable restrictions to our investment advisory services. A copy of our current written disclosure Brochure discussing our advisory services and fees is available upon request. The scope of the services to be provided depends upon the needs of the client and the terms of the engagement.

Certain portions of Balentine’s website (e.g., articles, commentaries) may contain a discussion of, and/or provide access to, Balentine (and those of other investment and non-investment professionals’) positions and/or recommendations as of a specific prior date. Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, such discussion may no longer be reflective of current position(s) and/or recommendation(s). Moreover, no client or prospective client should assume that any such discussion serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized advice from Balentine, or from any other investment professional. Balentine is neither an attorney nor an accounting firm, and no portion of the web site content should be interpreted as legal, accounting, or tax advice.

PLEASE NOTE: Rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications should not be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience a certain level of results if Balentine is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement of Balentine by any of its clients. Rankings published by magazines, and others, generally base their selections exclusively on information prepared and/or submitted by the recognized adviser. Rankings are generally limited to participating advisers.

To the extent that any client or prospective client utilizes any economic calculator or similar interactive device contained within or linked to Balentine’s website, the client and/or prospective client acknowledges and understands that the information resulting from the use of any such calculator/device, is not, and should not be construed, in any manner whatsoever, as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from Balentine, or from any other investment professional.

Balentine reserves the right to modify its current investment strategies and techniques based on changing market dynamics or client needs. It should not be assumed that any of the securities transactions, holdings or sectors discussed were or will prove to be profitable, or that the investment recommendations or decisions we make in the future will be profitable or will equal the investment performance of the securities discussed herein.

Sample analysis should not be considered a guarantee of a certain level of performance. Balentine has prepared the projection relying upon information about the investor’s financial circumstances and specific investment goals provided by the Relationship Manager. The projection is hypothetical and provided solely as information which should be carefully weighed and evaluated by the investor with the assistance of the investor’s personal financial adviser. It is not guaranteed that any of the investment recommendations or projections made will be profitable or provide a given level of income in the future. In making projections of investment results at different phases of the model, Balentine has utilized the Firm’s financial and market research, historical market activity, as well as external sources of research. There is no guarantee that the future projections will be seen to be correct and there may be a significant deviation between projections and actual results of a particular investment or group of investments. Before investing, the investor should consider his or her investment goals and risk comfort levels and consult with his or her investment adviser and tax professional.

Material presented has been derived from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed.

Investors in Private Capital and Private Funds must be deemed Accredited Investors or Qualified Purchasers depending on the type of investment structure. See requirements below:

Accredited Investor:

  • A net worth in excess of $1 million which doesn’t include the value of a primary residence
  • An annual income in excess of $200,000 or joint income in excess of $300,000 if married and filing jointly for the two most recent years, with a reasonable expectation of reaching this level in the current year
  • A current Series 7, 62, or 65 licence — these are the most common US financial securities licences, issued and managed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). You can find more details about the specific licence here.

Qualified Purchaser:

  • A person or family-owned company who owns at least $5 million in investments.
  • A person or entity who invests at least $25 million in private capital on other people’s behalf or for their personal financial accounts.
  • An entity owned only by Qualified Purchasers.
  • Trusts that are sponsored or managed by multiple individual Qualified Purchasers.

Client Retention Scores are based on our core client relationships that fully terminated their relationship or engagement with Balentine over the prior 12-month period. Our Core Clients are those that meet our standard minimum investment threshold of $5 Million in investable assets. Clients that terminate their relationship with Balentine based on a previous relationship with a departing advisor are not included, in addition to fixed engagement letter engagements that expired.

Assets Under Advisement (AUA) includes discretionary and non-discretionary assets managed by Balentine, in addition to assets where we provide ongoing advice to assets not held at Balentine. For additional details, please refer
to our ADV Brochure at: https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/firm/summary/152511

Private Credit

The opinions expressed are those of the Balentine Investment Team. The opinions referenced are as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. This material is for informational use only and should not be considered investment advice. This is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any fund managed by the Adviser. Such an offer will be made only by an Offering Memorandum, a copy of which is available to qualifying potential investors upon request.

Past performance is not indicative of future results. This is not a recommendation to buy or sell a particular security. The holdings identified above do not represent all of the securities purchased, sold, or recommended for the adviser’s clients. A complete list of holdings is available upon request.

Investors in Balentine Private Capital Funds must be deemed a Qualified Purchaser:

  • A person or family-owned company who owns at least $5 million in investments
  • A person or entity who invests at least $25 million in private capital on other people’s behalf or for their personal financial accounts.
  • An entity owned only by Qualified Purchasers.
  • Trusts that are sponsored or managed by multiple individual Qualified Purchasers.

All references to performance are based on Internal Rate of Return (IRR), which is a metric used in financial analysis to estimate the profitability of potential investments. IRR is a discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows equal to zero in a discounted cash flow analysis.

The MSCI ACWI Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed and emerging markets. The MSCI ACWI captures large and mid cap representation across 23 Developed Markets (DM) and 24 Emerging Markets (EM) countries. With approximately 2,900 constituents, the index covers approximately 85% of the global investable equity opportunity set.

The MSCI EAFE Index (Europe, Australasia, Far East) is a free float-adjusted market capitalization-weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets, excluding the United States and Canada. The MSCI EAFE Index consists of the following 21 developed market country indices: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

The MSCI World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed markets.  The MSCI World Index consists of the following 23 developed market country indices: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Russell 1000® Value Index measures the performance of the large cap value segment of the U.S. equity universe. It includes those Russell 1000® Index companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower expected growth values.

The Russell 1000® Growth Index is an unmanaged, market capitalization-weighted index that measures the performance of those companies in the Russell 1000 Index with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values.

The S&P 500® Index is the Standard & Poor’s Composite Index of 500 stocks and is a widely recognized, unmanaged index of common stock prices.

The Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index is an unmanaged index of domestic investment grade bonds, including corporate, government and mortgage-backed securities.

Each client and prospective client agrees, as a condition precedent to his/her/its access to Balentine’s website, to release and hold harmless Balentine, its officers, directors, owners, employees, and agents from any and all adverse consequences resulting from any of his/her/its actions and/or omissions which are independent of his/her/its receipt of personalized individual advice from Balentine.

About Designations

The Accredited Estate Planner® (AEP®) designation is a specialization in estate planning, obtained in addition to already recognized professional credentials within the various disciplines of estate planning. It is awarded by the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC) to estate planning professionals who meet requirements of experience, knowledge, education professional reputation, and character. Candidates must meet certain requirements and pay an application fee along with first year dues. For full list of requirements, visit the NAEPC’s website at www.naecp.org/aep

The Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Designation is granted by fi360, formerly known as the Center for Fiduciary Studies. Those who earn the AIF® mark successfully complete a specialized program on investment fiduciary standards of care, pass a comprehensive examination, and attest to a Code of Ethics.

HRCI's Associate Professional in Human Resources® (aPHR®) are licensed by the HRCI to use the aPHR® mark. aPHR® certification requirements: Hold a high school diploma or equivalent and pass The Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR®) exam created using the aPHR EXAM CONTENT OUTLINE, which details the responsibilities of and knowledge needed by today’s HR professionals. No prior HR experience is required for this certification since The Associate Professional Human Resources (aPHR®) exam is entirely knowledge-based. aPHR® certifications are valid for three years after testing. To maintain your aPHR® credential, you must earn 45 recertification credits over a three-year time span or retake the exam.

The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) Designation - The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) is awarded by the CFA Institute to individuals who meets its education, examination, sponsorship, experience, and ethics requirements. To earn a CIPM® designation, eligible candidates must have two years of professional experience in one or more positions entailing performance-related activities or four years of professional experience in the investment industry. In addition, the individual must pass two 180-minute examinations. For additional information about this credential, please refer directly to the website of the issuing organization.

The Certified Exit Planning Advisor® (CEPA®) credential was created in 2007 by the Exit Planning Institute and is designed for professional advisors who want to effectively engage more business owners by helping them create an exit plan. The program consists of a five-day course. To become a CEPA, candidates must have a minimum of five years of full-time or equivalent experience working with business owners. They must also be a member of the Exit Planning Institute and be in good standing.  For more details on the CEPA and eligibility requirements, visit the Exit Planning Institute’s website at https://exit-planning-institute.org/

Certified Financial PlannersTM (CFP®) Designation - Certified Financial PlannersTM (CFP®) are licensed by the CFP® Board to use the CFP® mark. CFP® certification requirements include: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university; completion of the financial planning education requirements set by the CFP® Board (www.cfp.net); successful completion of the CFP® Certification Exam, comprised of two three-hour sessions; experience requirement: 6,000 hours of professional experience related to the financial planning process, or 4,000 hours of apprenticeship experience that meets additional requirements; successfully pass the Candidate Fitness Standards and background check; agree annually to be bound by CFP® Board’s Standards of Professional Conduct; and complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years, including two hours on the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Certified Private Wealth Advisor® (CPWA®) is an advanced certification for advisors serving high net worth clients. It is issued by the Investment & Weath Institute™ and is designed for experienced financial professionals with clients who have a net worth of more $5 million. Prerequisite requirements include the following: (1) bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or one of the following designations or licenses: CIMA, CIMC, CFA, CFP, ChFC or CPA, (2) satisfactory record of ethical conduct, and (3) five years of professional client-centered experience in financial services or related industry. Education requirements include: (1) six-month pre-study educational component, and (2) in-class program at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, or online program through Yale School of Management. Continuing education requirement includes 40 hours every two years. View more information about this certification here:ttps://investmentsandwealth.org/certifications/welcome-to-cpwa

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is the statutory title of qualified public accountants in the US who have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination and have met additional state education and experience requirements. Certification is administered by each state.

The Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA) Designation - The Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA) designation is awarded by the ABA Institute of Certified Bankers who demonstrate their knowledge as a trust and financial advisor. Candidates must meet one of the three following requirements to be eligible: three years of wealth management experience plus ICB-approved training, five years of personal trust experience and a bachelor’s degree, or 10 years of personal trust experience. Candidates are required to successfully complete a final certification examination. Candidates must complete 45 credits every three years (with a minimum of six hours in each of four knowledge areas) of continuing education.

Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) Designation - Chartered Financial Analysts® (CFA®) are licensed by the CFA® Institute to use the CFA® mark. CFA® certification requirements include: holding a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or have equivalent education or work experience, successful completion of all three exam levels of the CFA® Program, having 48 months of acceptable professional work experience in the investment decision-making process, and fulfilling society requirements, which vary by society. Unless you are upgrading from affiliate membership, all societies require two sponsor statements as part of each application; these are submitted online by your sponsors.

The Chartered Investment Counselor (CIC) charter is a professional designation awarded by the Investment Adviser Association (IAA). The charter was designed to recognize the special qualifications of persons employed by IAA member firms whose primary duties involve investment counseling and portfolio management. A key educational component of the program is the requirement that candidates hold the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) designation. In addition to successful completion of the CFA® program, the CIC designation requires candidates to demonstrate significant experience (at least 5 cumulative years) in a position performing investment counseling and portfolio management responsibilities. At the time the charter is awarded, candidates must be employed by an IAA member firm in a such a position, must provide work and character references, must endorse the IAA’s Standards of Practice, and must provide professional ethical information. For more information, see: https://www.investmentadviser.org/eweb/dynamicpage.aspx?webcode=cic

The Financial Paraplanner Qualified ProfessionalSM, or FRQP®, is a credential program for new professionals entering the financial services industry, as well as frontline employees and support staff with some industry experience looking to deepen their foundational knowledge.  The FPQP certificate is offered by the College for Financial Planning (CFFP) and covers five aspects of financial planning: estate, tax, retirement, insurance, and investments. To successful complete the program, candidates must: (1) complete the FPQP course through Kaplan College for Financial Planning and (2) earn 70% or higher on the final exam. For more details on the FRQP certificate and eligibility requirements visit Kaplan Financial’s website at https://www.kaplanfinancial.com/wealth-management/fpqp

The Investment Foundations Program covers the essentials of finance, ethics, and investment roles, and provides a clear understanding of the global investment industry. Candidates who successfully complete the program receive a certification awarded by the CFA Institute. The program is open to all, there is no education or experience required. Candidates must complete and pass two exams: the NASBA CPE exam and the Investment Foundations exam. The NASBA CPE exam is a multiple-choice exam that can be taken online prior to and in preparation for the Investment Foundations exam. The Investment Foundations exam is a multiple choice, computer-based exam that can be taken at many Pearson VUE test centers around the world. Candidates must schedule and pass both exams within 180 days after registration to earn the Investment Foundations certificate and CPE credits.

The Retirement Income Certified Professional® (RICP®) is a designation offered by The American College of Financial Services that provides recipients with an extensive and intensive retirement income education. Learning outcomes of the RICP® Program include strategies for Social Security claiming, tools for estate and legacy planning, and solutions for retirement plan savings. Prerequisites for the RICP® designation include three years of relevant professional experience and a high school diploma or equivalent. Requirements for the RICP® designation include successful completion of three required courses, agreeing to comply with The American College Code of Ethics and Procedures, and participation in the annual Professional Recertification Program. For more details on the RICP® designation and eligibility requirements, visit The American College of Financial Services website at https://www.theamericancollege.edu/learn/professional-designations-certifications/ricp-retirement-

The Securities Industry Essentials Exam (SIE) exam is an exam for prospective securities industry professionals administered by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). The introductory-level exam is designed to assess a candidate’s knowledge of basic securities knowledge. The exam provides candidates with concepts such as: types of products and their risks, the structure of the securities industry markets, regulatory agencies and their functions, and prohibited practices. There are no prerequisites. The SIE exam is a 1 hour and 45-minute exam that consists of 75 questions. To successfully pass the exam, candidates must receive a score of at least 70. To learn more about the Series SIE exam, visit the FINRA site: https://www.finra.org/registration-exams-ce/qualification-exams/securities-industry-essentials-exam.

The Series 7 exam is a test administered by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for entry-level registered representatives. The Series 7 exam is also known as the General Securities Representative Exam (GSRE). The exam measures the competency of representatives to perform their job as a general securities representative. The test provides candidates with knowledge on products such as corporate securities, municipal securities, options, and investment products. The SIE exam is a corequisite to the Series 7. Candidates must successfully pass both the SIE and Series 7 to obtain the General Securities registration. To take the Series 7 exam, candidates must be associated with and sponsored by a FINRA member firm or another applicable self-regulatory organization (SRO). The Series 7 exam is a three hour and forty-five minute exam, with 125 questions. Candidates must score at least 72 percent to pass. To learn more about the Series 7 exam, visit the FINRA site: https://www.finra.org/registration-exams-ce/qualification-exams/series7.

The Series 24 exam is required for individuals responsible for the management or supervision of a member’s investment banking or securities business. The Series 24 exam is also known as the General Securities Principal Qualification Exam (GP). The exam measures the competency of an entry-level principal to perform their job as a principal dependent. The test provides candidates with the knowledge required to perform the critical functions of a principal, which includes the rules and provisions applicable to supervisory management of a broker-dealer. In addition to the Series 24, candidates must successfully pass the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam and a representative-level qualification exam or the Supervisory Analyst Exam (Series 16) to hold the appropriate principal registration. Prerequisites include one of the following exams: Series 7, 17, 37, 38, 57, 62, 79, or 82.The exam is a three hour and forty-five minute exam, with 150 questions. To learn more about the Series 24 exam, visit the FINRA site: https://www.finra.org/registration-exams-ce/qualification-exams/series24

The Series 66 exam is a North American Securities Administrators Associate (NASAA) exam administered by FINRA. The Series 66 exam is also known as the NASAA Uniform Combined State Law Examination. The exam is designed to qualify candidates as securities agents and investment adviser representatives. The exam provides candidates with the necessary topics to provide investment advice and securities transactions for clients. The Series 7 exam is a corequisite to the Series 66. There is no prerequisite. The Series 66 exam is a 150 minute exam that consists of 100 scored questions and 10 unscored questions. To successfully pass the exam, candidates must correctly answer 73 of the 100 questions. To learn more about the Series 66 exam, visit the FINRA site: https://www.finra.org/registration-exams-ce/qualification-exams/series66

The Sustainability and Climate Risk (SCR®) Certificate is issued by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and designed to help professionals in anticipating and managing climate risk. The certificate is part of GARP’s flagship certifications and educational programs. SCR® candidates must successfully pass a rigorous multiple-choice exam. For more information on the SCR® certificate and eligibility requirements visit the GARP website at  https://www.garp.org/scr

The SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) credential is offered by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) and is intended for human resources professionals to show they are competent in key areas of human resources. The SHRM-CP Certified Professional credential is for individuals who perform general HR and HR-related duties at work; or for those pursuing a career in Human Resource Management. THE SHRM-CP certification is the first level of the SHRM certification. CP stands for Certified Professional and is intended for professionals at the operational level of human resources. SHRM-SCP stands for SHRM Senior Certified Professional and is the more advanced SHRM certification for senior and executive-level HR roles. To apply for the SHRM credential, you must meet certain educational and professional requirements. If eligible, you must also pass the SHRM exam and pay an exam fee. Approximately half of the items on each exam are allocated across the three behavioral competency clusters, and the other half are allocated across the three HR knowledge domains. To learn more about the SHRM credential and requirements, visit: https://www.shrm.org/credentials/certification/shrm-cp

About awards


Disclosure 1: 2018/2023 Most Admired CEO Award – Robert Balentine and Adrian Cronje.

Disclosure 2: Top New Vistage Speaker – Adrian Cronje (2019)

Disclosure 3: Atlanta’s Top 25 Financial Planning and Advisory Firms (2012-2023)

Disclosure 4: Atlanta’s Top 25 Money Managers (2012-2023)

Disclosure 5: TiE Atlanta Top Entrepreneur Awards – Adrian Cronje (2018)

Disclosure 6: InvestmentNews Best Practices Award (2016-2018)

Disclosure 7: Georgia Trend’s Most Notable Georgians – Robert Balentine (2015)

Disclosure 8: Research Magazine’s Advisor Hall of Fame – Robert Balentine (2015)

Disclosure 9: Atlanta’s Best Places to Work (2011-2013)

Disclosure 10: Forbes’ Top 50 Fastest Growing RIAs (2013)

Disclosure 11: Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 40 Under 40 – Adrian Cronje  (2010) and Mark Bell (2013)

Disclosure 12: Library of American Landscape History, Preservation Hero Award – Robert Balentine (2017)

Disclosure 13: Rotary Club of Atlanta, Sheffield Leadership Award – Robert Balentine (2013)

Disclosure 14: Georgia Trend, 40 Under 40 – Mark Bell (2015)

Disclosure 15: Financial Times Top 100 Women Financial Advisers – Brittain Prigge (2014)

Disclosure 16: Barron’s Top 100 Independent Advisors – Robert Balentine (2014-2023) and Adrian Cronje (2024)

Disclosure 17: Barron’s Top 1,200 U. S. Financial Advisors Ranked by State – Robert Balentine (2014-2024)

Disclosure 18: The Forbes ranking of America’s Top Wealth Advisors Award – Robert Balentine (2016-2018)

Disclosure 19: Business Person of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award – Robert Balentine (2013)

Disclosure 20: InvestmentNews Best Practices Award (2018)

Disclosure 21: Financial Times Top 300 Registered Investment Advisers (2014-2017, 2019-2020)

Disclosure 22: Pensions & Investments Best Places to Work in Money Management (2012, 2015-2023)

Disclosure 23: Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Women Who Mean Business - Jennifer Dangar (2019) and Britain Prigge (2020)

Disclosure 24: Atlanta Jewish Times Readers’ Choice Awards Best of Jewish Atlanta (2020-2022)

Disclosure 25: CFA Society North Carolina Volunteer of the Year – John Maddison (2016)

Disclosure 26: The Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Designation.

Disclosure 27: Certified Financial PlannersTM (CFP®) Designation.

Disclosure 28: Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) Designation.

Disclosure 29: The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) Designation.

Disclosure 30: The Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA) Designation.

Disclosure 31: eVestment Global Tactical Asset Allocation Universe Ranking

Disclosure 32: Certified Private Wealth Advisor® (CPWA®)

Disclosure 33: Inspiration Award for Women of the Year - Jennifer Dangar

Disclosure 34: The Global Power 150 – Women in Staffing (2013)

Disclosure 35: Atlanta Magazine’s Atlanta 500 Award - Robert Balentine (2019-2023)

Disclosure 36: The Nautilus Silver Award - First Generation Wealth (2023)

Disclosure 37: 2023 Triangle Business Journal Corporate Leadership Award – Rob Ragsdale

Disclosure 38: Inc. 5000 (2023)

Disclosure 39: Citywire: Fastest-Growing RIA (2023)

Disclosure 40: The Girl Talk Inspiration Award (2023)

Disclosure 41: Barron's Hall of Fame Award

Disclosure 42: Net Promoter Score - World-Class Service

Disclosure 43: Financial Planning's 2023 RIA Leaders

Disclosure 44: Book of Lists - List of 25 Financial Planners (2024)

Disclosure 45: InvestmentNews: Top Regional Fee-Only RIAs 2023

Disclosure 46: Georgia Business Journal- Best of Georgia Award 2023

Disclosure 47: Atlanta Business Chronicle - CFO of the Year - David Damiani (2024)

Disclosure 48: Triangle Business Journal Book of Lists: Wealth Management Firms (2024)

Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Most Admired CEO’s for 2018 and Adrian Cronje was named in 2023

Disclosure 1: Most Admired CEO Award – Robert Balentine (2018) & Adrian Cronje (2023)

Robert Balentine was named one of Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Most Admired CEO’s for 2018 and Adrian Cronje was named in 2023. These awards recognize established local leaders who have a strong vision for their companies, have shown commitment to culture in the workplace, and made significant contributions to the metro Atlanta community.The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s 2018 Most Admired CEO award was comprised of 21 categories in addition to a Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. Within each category, two winners were selected. No individual could repeat the same category two years in a row and a reader’s choice award was no longer included. Additionally, the rules state that there can only be one submission in each category per person, and 42 executives were included; however, a total number of applicants was not disclosed. The selection criteria was divided into three components: How has the leader contributed to the company’s financial success?; how has the leader created a great work culture?; and how has the leader made contributions to the community? Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

View award criteria >

Vistage logo Adrian Cronje was recognized as a Top New Vistage Speaker of 2019

Disclosure 2: Top New Vistage Speaker – Adrian Cronje (2019)

Adrian Cronje was recognized as a Top New Vistage Speaker of 2019. Award criteria include fewer than two years as a Vistage speaker; at least 10 and no more than 50 presentations total; a minimum average annual score of 4.7 in content, delivery, and real-world applicability; and a 95% or better member recommendation.

The Top New Vistage Speaker of 2019 is an award presented by Vistage Worldwide. In order to qualify for the award, the individual must have fewer than two years as a Vistage speaker; at least 10 and no more than 50 presentations in total; a minimum average annual score of 4.7 in content, delivery, and real-world applicability; and 95% or better in member recommendation. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Atlanta Business Chronicle logo has named Balentine one of Atlanta’s 25 Largest Financial Planning and Advisory Firms

Disclosure 3: Atlanta’s Top 25 Financial Planning and Advisory Firms (2012-2024)

Atlanta Business Chronicle has named Balentine one of Atlanta’s 25 Largest Financial Planning and Advisory Firms, based on total assets under management for its Atlanta office, on thirteen consecutive occasions.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 25 Financial Planning and Advisory Firms award consists of 25 firms. Firms were ranked by total assets under management for Atlanta offices as part of the selection criteria. For each business, the following is listed: total AUM, total discretionary assets, total non-discretionary assets, total assets managed companywide, and the number of professionals in the area. The list of firms was locally researched by Patsy Conn of the Atlanta Business Chronicle. The total number of applicants was not disclosed. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

View award criteria >

Atlanta Business Chronicle logo has named Balentine one of Atlanta’s 25 Largest Money Managers, based on total assets under management (discretionary) for its Atlanta office, on ten consecutive occasions.

Disclosure 4: Atlanta’s Top 25 Money Managers (2012-2024)

Atlanta Business Chronicle has named Balentine one of Atlanta’s 25 Largest Money Managers, based on total assets under management (discretionary) for its Atlanta office, on thirteen consecutive occasions.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 25 Money Managers award was comprised of 25 businesses. The total number of applicants who submitted responses and/or percentage who received the rating was not disclosed. As part of the selection criteria, businesses were ranked by total assets under management for Atlanta office (discretionary). For each business, the following is listed: total AUM for Atlanta office (discretionary), amount of equity based on total assets, amount fixed income of total assets, number of CFAs in Atlanta, total Atlanta staff, and a partial list of investment styles or products offered was also disclosed. The list was locally researched by Patsy Conn of the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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TiE Atlanta's logo celebrating 2018 Top Entrepreneur Awards

Disclosure 5: TiE Atlanta Top Entrepreneur Awards – Adrian Cronje (2018)

Adrian Cronje was one of 13 finalists recognized by TiE Atlanta's 2018 Top Entrepreneur Awards. The awards recognize Atlanta startups and companies that made a minimum revenue of $2 million and no more than $100 million in 2017. The awards are based on revenue growth, profitability, sustainability, leadership, culture, and innovation.

The TiE Atlanta Top Entrepreneur Awards recognizes entrepreneurs and business owners who have achieved success and helped build a better business community within the metro Atlanta area. To qualify for the award, each nominee was required to have a minimum revenue of $2 million and no more than $100 million in 2017. TiE Atlanta provides access to funding, educational programming, and mentoring by local and global leaders in hopes to inspire entrepreneurs in all industries, from ideation to exit. Awards were based on the following: revenue growth, profitability, sustainability, leadership, culture, and innovation. The three categories for this award were: Upper Market Entrepreneurs, Middle Market Entrepreneurs, and Trailblazer Entrepreneurs. The selected and honored entrepreneurs of Metro Atlanta were ranked 1-10 over these three categories by Atlanta CPA Alliance. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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InvestmentNews logo nominating Balentine a winner of its 2016 Best Practices Awards

Disclosure 6: InvestmentNews Best Practices Award (2016)

InvestmentNews named Balentine a winner of its 2016 Best Practices Awards, an initiative that recognizes the top-performing and most-innovative firms in the financial advice industry.  Balentine was one of 12 firms across the country to receive this honor.

The InvestmentNews Best Practices Award (2016) was comprised of 12 firms who were identified through their participation of the 2016 Financial Performance Study of Advisory Firms. The 2016 Best Practices Awards was an initiative that recognized the top-performing and most innovative firms in the financial advice industry. To identify the 2016 Best Practices Award winners, InvestmentNews Research created composite scores which examined rate of growth, profitability, and productivity levels for all the participants in the 2016 InvestmentNews Financial Performance Study. Those awarded “Best Practices” ranked among the top-quartile of all participants. Final firms were selected after qualitative interviews were conducted by the InvestmentNews Best Practices Committee. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Georgia Trend logo named Robert Balentine one of the Most Notable Georgians in its January 2015 issue

Disclosure 7: Georgia Trend’s Most Notable Georgians – Robert Balentine (2015)

Georgia Trend named Robert Balentine one of the Most Notable Georgians in its January 2015 issue. This list of more than 80 Georgians represents people who are making an impact on the state of Georgia.

The Georgia Trend’s Most Notable Georgians (2015) award recognized 83 individuals. Selection was done by the Georgia Trend editorial staff based on knowledge and observations of the state’s power structure. Nominations were not accepted, and the number of individuals considered for the award was not disclosed. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Think advisor logo nominating Robert Balentine to Research Magazine’s Advisor Hall of Fame

Disclosure 8: Research Magazine’s Advisor Hall of Fame – Robert Balentine (2015)

Robert Balentine was named to Research Magazine’s Advisor Hall of Fame. Candidates who pass the rigorous screens have served a minimum of 20 years in the industry, have acquired substantial assets under management, have demonstrated superior client service, and have earned recognition from their peers and the broader community for the honor they reflect on their profession.The Research Magazine’s Advisor Hall of Fame (2015) award recognized four winners. In order to be considered for this award, candidates must have met the following criteria: served at least 20 years in the industry, acquired substantial assets under management, demonstrated superior client service and earned recognition from peers and the broader community. Janet Levaux, Editor in Chief at Research Magazine, and Kenneth Silber, Executive Editor at Research Magazine, oversaw the preliminary judging. The final judging was done by a panel of experts, which consisted of: Mark Elzweig, principal, Mark Elzweig Company, Ltd.; Michael Finke, professor, Texas Tech University; and Jon Henschen, president, Henschen & Associates. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Atlanta Business Chronicle logo nominating Balentine

Disclosure 9: Atlanta’s Best Places to Work (2011-2013)

Balentine has been named one of Atlanta’s Best Places to Work by Atlanta Business Chronicle on three consecutive occasions. Atlanta Business Chronicle, in partnership with Quantum Workplace, annually surveys the metro area’s employers and uses analytical tools to rank the top employers in three categories: the top 10 in the large employer category (501+ employees in the metro area), the top 30 in the medium employer category (101 to 500 employees) and the top 60 in the small employer category (10 to 100 employees).The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Atlanta’s Best Places to Work award was an award that Atlanta Business Chronicle Developed in partnership with Quantum Workplace. The award is developed off a survey which is distributed annually to the metro area’s employers, and it uses analytical tools to rank the top employers in three categories: the top 10 in the large employer category (501+ employees in the metro area), the top 30 in the medium employer category (101 to 500 employees), and the top 60 in the small employer category (10 to 100 employees). Only companies with at least 10 employees were able to participate. Each nominated company was contacted by Quantum and asked to participate in what they deemed a scientifically valid survey. Companies were then rated based on survey responses on work environment, people practices, and other matrices. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Forbes logo ranking Balentine one of the Top 50 Fastest Growing RIAs in Forbes’ special report on wealth managers, published in April 2013.

Disclosure 10: Forbes’ Top 50 Fastest Growing RIAs (2013)

Balentine was ranked one of the Top 50 Fastest Growing RIAs in Forbes’ special report on wealth managers, published in April 2013.

The Growth list ranked registered investment advisors based on their growth in total assets under management as reported March 31, 2011 through March 31, 2013.The Forbes’ Top 50 Fastest Growing RIAs award ranked RIAs based on their growth in total assets under management as reported March 31, 2011 through March 31, 2013. To be considered for the ranking, each firm must be a registered investment advisor (RIA) with the SEC, provide wealth management services, and serve individual clients as a primary focus. Broker dealers, hedge funds, those managing large funds, and firms with disciplinary disclosures were excluded from the ranking. Balentine was one of 50 firms included on the list. Forbes noted that the firms included were noted as leaders due to their independence, their commitment to their clients, and their ability to grow through a decade of market challenges and rewards. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Atlanta Business Chronicle logo ranking Adrian Cronje one of Atlanta’s Top 40 Under 40  in 2010

Disclosure 11: Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 40 Under 40 – Adrian Cronje  (2010) and Mark Bell (2013)

Adrian Cronje was ranked one of Atlanta’s Top 40 Under 40 by Atlanta Business Chronicle in 2010. Each year, this list honors the region’s up and coming business and community leaders.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 40 Under 40 award that is comprised of individuals under the age of 40. To be considered, nominees must be: under 40 years of age, hold a position of leadership, have made significant career achievements during the previous year, and have had substantial involvement in community service outside of day-to-day job performance. The total number of applicants was not disclosed. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 12: Library of American Landscape History, Preservation Hero Award – Robert Balentine (2017)

The Library of American Landscape History’s Preservation Hero Award honors individuals in recognition of extraordinary achievement in one or more of the following categories: nonprofit and/or grassroots advocacy; scholarship and/or research; philanthropy; leadership. Based out of Amherst, Massachusetts, LALH’s mission is to promote understanding of landscape architecture and appreciation for North America’s landscape. LALH honored Betty and Robert Balentine for steadfast, generous, philanthropic and intellectual commitment to excellence in landscape stewardship, design, and horticultural research. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Disclosure 13: Rotary Club of Atlanta, Sheffield Leadership Award – Robert Balentine (2013)

The Sheffield Leadership Award is an award presented by the Rotary Club of Atlanta. The Sheffield Leadership Award is an award that is presented annually to the District 6900 club presidents who demonstrate extraordinary leadership traits and execute their responsibilities in an outstanding manner. In 2013, Robert Balentine, along with five other individuals, was awarded the Sheffield Leadership Award. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

The Georgia Trend 40 Under 40 award is presented on an annual basis

Disclosure 14: Georgia Trend, 40 Under 40 – Mark Bell (2015)

The Georgia Trend 40 Under 40 award is presented on an annual basis. The ideal candidate is passionate about community service and is successful in their profession.

Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Financial Times logo nominating Brittain Prigge as one of the country’s Top 100 Women Investment Advisors in the special Financial Times 100 report

Disclosure 15: Financial Times Top 100 Women Financial Advisers – Brittain Prigge (2014)

Brittain Prigge was named one of the country’s Top 100 Women Investment Advisors in the special Financial Times 100 report. Brittain was one of only two women representing the state of Georgia and the only Georgia advisor representing an independent investment advisory firm.

The Financial Times Top 100 Women Financial Advisors award is based on the following six attributes: assets under management (“AUM”), AUM growth rate, compliance record, experience, industry certifications, and online accessibility. Balentine was eligible to submit Brittain Prigge for the award since we manage at least $200 million in AUM and have 10 years of experience. Brittain Prigge was one of two advisors recognized from the state of Georgia in 2014. The award does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. The process was conducted by Financial Times and Ignites Research. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Barron's logo to nominate Robert Balentine to Barron’s list of Top 100 Independent Advisors for nine consecutive years.

Disclosure 16: Barron’s Top 100 Independent Advisors – Robert Balentine (2014-2023)

Robert Balentine has been named to Barron’s list of Top 100 Independent Advisors for ten consecutive years. Since 2020, Robert hasbeen the highest-ranked independent advisor in Georgia and in 2022, he was listed within the Top 10 Advisors on the list. Barron’s annual ranking reflects the volume of assets overseen by the advisors and their teams, revenues generated for the firms, and the quality of the advisors’ practices.

Adrian Cronje was named to Barron’s list of Top 100 Independent Advisors in 2024.

The Barron’s Top 100 Independent Advisers Award is based on the top quantitative standouts from the Barron’s Top 100 Independent Advisers Survey (the “Survey”) which verifies that data, applies its rankings formula to the data, and names designees according to assets, revenue and quality of practice. Advisors who wish to be ranked fill out a 102-question survey about their practice. Barron’s verifies that data and applies its rankings formula to the data to generate a ranking, based on assets, revenue and quality of practice. Balentine was eligible for the Barron’s Top 100 Independent Advisers Award since it participated in the Survey and met the requirements for assets under advisement and plans under advisement. The award may not be representative of any one client’s experience because the award reflects quantitative standouts and was not a survey or representation of a client’s experience. The award does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Barron's logo nominating Robert Balentine the highest-ranked independent advisor representing Georgia in Barron’s annual listing of advisors by state.

Disclosure 17: Barron’s Top 1,200 U. S. Financial Advisors Ranked by State – Robert Balentine (2014-2024)

For eleven consecutive years, Robert Balentine has been the highest-ranked independent advisor representing Georgia in Barron’s annual listing of advisors by state. In 2024, he was the highest-ranked financial advisor overall in Georgia. Factors included in the ranking of advisors are AUM, revenue produced for the firm, regulatory record, quality of practice, and philanthropic work.

The Barron’s Top 1,200 U.S. Financial Advisors Ranked by state award is comprised of 1,200 advisors based on data provided by around 6,000 of the nation’s advisors. Factors considered in the rankings included: assets under management, revenue produced for the firm, regulatory record, quality of practice and philanthropic work. Investment performance is not an explicit component because not all advisors have audited results and because performance figures often are influenced more by clients’ risk tolerance than by an advisor’s investment-picking abilities. The rankings are meant as a starting point for clients looking for an advisor—a first-pass vetting that can help investors narrow a search. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Forbes logo nominating Robert Balentine to Forbes list of America’s Top Wealth Advisors over three consecutive years.

Disclosure 18: The Forbes ranking of America’s Top Wealth Advisors Award – Robert Balentine (2016-2018)

Robert Balentine has been named to Forbes list of America’s Top Wealth Advisors over three consecutive years. The Forbes ranking, developed by SHOOK Research, is based on an algorithm of qualitative criteria. Those advisors that are considered have a minimum of seven years’ experience, and the algorithm weighs factors like revenue trends, AUM, compliance records, industry experience and those that encompass best practices in their practices and approach to working with clients.

The Forbes ranking of America’s Top Wealth Advisors Award, developed by SHOOK Research, is based an algorithm of qualitative criteria, mostly gained through telephone and in-person due diligence interviews, and quantitative data. Those advisors that are considered have a minimum of seven years’ experience, and the algorithm weighs factors like revenue trends, assets under management, compliance records, industry experience, and those that encompass best practices in their processes and approach to working with clients. Portfolio performance is not a criterion due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data. The award does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. The process is conducted by Forbes and SHOOK Research. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK receive a fee in exchange for rankings. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Disclosure 19: 2013 Business Person of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award – Robert Balentine

Robert Balentine was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2013 Business Person of the Year Awards, hosted by the Metro Atlanta Chamber and Atlanta Business Chronicle. This was the first time this award was given in the 27-year history of the Business Person of the Year Awards.

The 2013 Business Person of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award is based on a written submission and three rounds of interviews with the 2013 selection committee, made up of nine Atlanta business leaders. Robert Balentine was eligible for the 2013 Business Person of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award since he participated in the written submission and interviews, and met the requirements which described an applicant as “a business person who has contributed over the whole of his or her career and is seen as a role model and inspiration to others.” Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The award does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. The Metro Atlanta Chamber and Atlanta Business Chronicle conducted the process.  Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition.

InvestmentNews named Balentine a winner of its 2018 Best Practices Awards

Disclosure 20: InvestmentNews Best Practices Award (2018)

InvestmentNews named Balentine a winner of its 2018 Best Practices Awards for ranking in the top quartile of 385 independent advisory firms that participated in its 2018 Pricing and Profitability study. According to InvestmentNews, Balentine's "all-star practices" include 35% AUM growth and maintaining an operating profit margin above 20%.The InvestmentNews Best Practices 2018 award was created by using composite scores that examined several key metrics from its core benchmarking studies—including a firm’s rate of growth, profitability, and productivity level. The data was obtained from 385 independent advisory firms that participated in the 2018 Pricing and Profitability study. The “Best Practices” were those who ranked among the top-quartile of all participants; in addition, the final firms were selected after qualitative interviews conducted by the InvestmentNews Best Practices Committee. Ultimately, InvestmentNews recognized 11 financial firms with Best Practices Awards. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The study was sponsored by Pershing Advisor Solutions and conducted by InvestmentNews. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Financial Times recognized Balentine as one of Financial Times’ 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers on five separate occasions.

Disclosure 21: Financial Times Top 300 Registered Investment Advisers (2014-2017, 2019-2020)

Balentine has been recognized as one of Financial Times’ 300 Top Registered Investment Advisers on five separate occasions. The list recognizes top independent RIA firms from across the United States. Areas of consideration included adviser assets under management, asset growth, and compliance record.

The Financial Times Top 300 (FT 300) Registered Investment Advisers award is an independent listing produced annually by Ignites Research, a division of Money-Media, Inc., on behalf of the Financial Times. The FT 300 is based on data gathered from RIA firms, regulatory disclosures, and the Financial Times’s research. The listing reflected each practice’s performance in six primary areas: assets under management, asset growth, compliance record, years in existence, credentials, and online accessibility. Over 750 qualified firms applied for the award, 300 of which were selected (40%). This award does not evaluate the quality of services provided to clients and is not indicative of the practice’s future performance. Neither the RIA firms nor their employees pay a fee to the Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 300. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Pensions & Investments has named Balentine one of its Best Places to Work in Money Management on eight separate occasions.

Disclosure 22: Pensions & Investments Best Places to Work in Money Management (2012, 2015-2023)

Pensions & Investments has named Balentine one of its Best Places to Work in Money Management on eight separate occasions. Pensions & Investments partnered with Best Companies Group, an independent research firm specializing in identifying great places to work, to conduct a two-part survey process of employers and their employees.

The Pensions & Investments Best Places to Work in Money Management award was the result of a two-part survey of employers and their employees conducted by Best Companies Group, an independent research firm specializing in identifying great places to work. The first part consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices, philosophy, systems, and demographics. This part of the process was worth approximately 25 percent of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience. This part of the process was worth approximately 75 percent of the total evaluation. The combined scores determined the top companies. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The survey is conducted by Best Companies Group on behalf of Pensions & Investments. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Brittain Prigge has been named to the list of 2020 Women Who Mean Business by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

Disclosure 23: Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Women Who Mean Business

Brittain Prigge has been named to the list of 2020 Women Who Mean Business by the Atlanta Business Chronicle. This award recognizes women who are leaving an indelible mark on the Atlanta business community.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Women Who Mean Business award is comprised of 21 women who drive Atlanta business across different industries and professions. It is awarded to individuals selected for: making significant strides in their careers, making a difference in their communities, blazing a trail for others, and leaving an indelible mark on the Atlanta business community. The total number of applicants was not disclosed. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Balentine has been named a first-place winner for Investment and Financial Services in the Atlanta Jewish Times' Best of Jewish Atlanta Awards on two consecutive occasions.

Disclosure 24: Atlanta Jewish Times Readers’ Choice Awards Best of Jewish Atlanta (2020-2022)

Balentine has been named a first-place winner for Investment and Financial Services in the Atlanta Jewish Times' Best of Jewish Atlanta Awards on two consecutive occasions. The criteria for this award was based on the number of votes received from readers of the Atlanta Jewish Times as part of its annual Reader’s Choice Award.

The Atlanta Jewish Times 2020 Reader’s Choice Awards Best of Jewish Atlanta is an award presented annually by Atlanta Jewish Times. The criteria for this award was based purely on the number of votes received from readers of the Atlanta Jewish Times as part of its annual Reader’s Choice Award. Balentine participated in the Investment and Financial Services category. There were three top winners . Balentine received first place. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

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Disclosure 25: CFA Society North Carolina Volunteer of the Year – John Maddison (2016)

The Volunteer of the Year award is presented annually by the CFA Society North Carolina at its Annual Meeting. The award is presented to individuals who demonstrate leadership and volunteer skills that are making a difference in the investment profession. This award is not representative of any one client’s experience because the award does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The award does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or for its Access Person to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 26: The Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) Designation

The Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF®) designation is granted by fi360, formerly known as the Center for Fiduciary Studies. Those who earn the AIF® mark successfully complete a specialized program on investment fiduciary standards of care, pass a comprehensive examination, and attest to a Code of Ethics.

Disclosure 27: Certified Financial PlannersTM (CFP®) Designation

Certified Financial PlannersTM (CFP®) are licensed by the CFP® Board to use the CFP® mark. CFP® certification requirements include: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university; completion of the financial planning education requirements set by the CFP® Board (www.cfp.net); successful completion of the CFP® Certification Exam, comprised of two three-hour sessions; experience requirement: 6,000 hours of professional experience related to the financial planning process, or 4,000 hours of Apprenticeship experience that meets additional requirements; successfully pass the Candidate Fitness Standards and background check; agree annually to be bound by CFP® Board’s Standards of Professional Conduct; and complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years, including two hours on the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Disclosure 28: Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) Designation

Chartered Financial Analysts® (CFA®) are licensed by the CFA® Institute to use the CFA® mark. CFA® certification requirements include: holding a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or have equivalent education or work experience, successful completion of all three exam levels of the CFA® Program, having 48 months of acceptable professional work experience in the investment decision-making process, and fulfilling society requirements, which vary by society. Unless you are upgrading from affiliate membership, all societies require two sponsor statements as part of each application; these are submitted online by your sponsors.

Disclosure 29: The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) Designation

The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM®) is awarded by the CFA Institute to individuals who meets its education, examination, sponsorship, experience, and ethics requirements. To earn a CIPM® designation, eligible candidates must have two years of professional experience in one or more positions entailing performance-related activities or four years of professional experience in the investment industry. In addition, the individual must pass two 180-minute examinations. For additional information about this credential, please refer directly to the website of the issuing organization.

Disclosure 30: The Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA) Designation

The Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA) designation is awarded by the ABA Institute of Certified Bankers who demonstrate their knowledge as a trust and financial advisor. Candidates must meet one of the three following requirements to be eligible: three years of wealth management experience plus ICB-approved training, five years of personal trust experience and a bachelor’s degree, or 10 years of personal trust experience. Candidates are required to successfully complete a final certification examination. Candidates must complete 45 credits every three years (with a minimum of six hours in each of four knowledge areas) of continuing education.

Disclosure 31: eVestment Global Tactical Asset Allocation Universe Ranking

The eVestment Global Tactical Asset Allocation Universe Ranking is conducted by eVestment. Managers in the eVestment Global Tactical Asset Allocation Universe are ranked based on the specified period of return displayed. Rankings are based in quartiles – split between top 25% (1st Quartile), second 25% (2nd Quartile), third 25% (3rd Quartile), and fourth 25% (4th Quartile). The number of managers included in the rankings is determined by the total number of managers that have reported returns in the eVestment Global Tactical Asset Allocation Universe. Rankings are percentile between 1 and 100. The number of managers with an identical ranking will be dependent on the number of managers assessed each month and the proximity of return for each period. A manager with a ranking of 1 would represent that they have outperformed 99% of managers in the universe for the designated period. All rankings are disclosed, whether good or bad. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 32: Certified Private Wealth Advisor® (CPWA®)

Certified Private Wealth Advisor® (CPWA®) is an advanced certification for advisors serving high net worth clients. It is issued by the Investment & Weath Institute™ and is designed for experienced financial professionals with clients who have a net worth of more $5 million. Prerequisite requirements include the following: (1) bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or one of the following designations or licenses: CIMA, CIMC, CFA, CFP, ChFC or CPA, (2) satisfactory record of ethical conduct, and (3) five years of professional client-centered experience in financial services or related industry. Education requirements include: (1) six-month pre-study educational component, and (2) in-class program at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, or online program through Yale School of Management. Continuing education requirement includes 40 hours every two years.

Disclosure 33: Inspiration Award for Women of the Year

The Inspiration Award for Women of the Year is an award presented by WICT (Women in Cable Telecommunications) Southeast as part of their Red Letter Awards. WICT Southeast’s Red Letter Awards honor members who demonstrate outstanding achievement and leadership and enhance the perception of the cable and telecommunications industry. Other award categories part of the Red Letter Awards include: Catalyst Award for Women in Technology, Horizon Award for Women to Watch, The Mentor Award, Rising Star Award for Emerging Leaders, and Milestone Award. The Inspiration Award for Women of the Year is awarded to a woman has contributed to the evolution of the cable telecommunication industry over the course of her career. She is considered a leader who is well regarded by employees, clients, and peers for her career achievement. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 34: The Global Power 150 – Women in Staffing

The Global Power 150 – Women in Staffing award is presented by Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA). The award includes a list of 100 women from the Americas and 50 international women. The award recognizes influential women leaders who stand out in the global talent marketplace and highlights women whose talents, achievements and passion drive their success. All honorees are profiled online. The Global Power 150 list is not a ranking. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Atlanta Magazine logo naming Robert Balentine one of Atlanta’s 500 most influential leaders

Disclosure 35: Atlanta Magazine’s The Atlanta 500 Award

Robert Balentine has been named one of Atlanta’s 500 most influential leaders by Atlanta Magazine. This annual list recognizes individuals shaping Atlanta culture - not only CEOs, but the people influencing what Atlantans eat, the music they listen to, and the causes they embrace.

The Atlanta 500 award recognizes the 500 most influential leaders in Atlanta and is presented by Atlanta Magazine. The list consists of eight different categories: Business; Professionals; Real Estate; Government & Infrastructure; Arts, Sports & Entertainment; Education & Healthcare; Restaurants & Hospitality; and Religion, Nonprofits & Advocacy. The Business category includes Banking & Finance, Investment Advisors & Funds, Private Companies, Public Companies, Retail, and Technology. The 500 Atlantans recognized in this annual publication, are selected by Atlanta Magazine’s editors who consult experts across different sectors while also taking into consideration nominations from the public. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

First Generation Wealth by Robert Balentine and Adrian Cronje won the 2023 Nautilus Silver award in the Business and Leadership (Small Press, Self-published) category.

Disclosure 36: The Nautilus Silver Award – First Generation Wealth (2023)

First Generation Wealth by Robert Balentine and Adrian Cronje won the 2023 Nautilus Silver award in the Business and Leadership (Small Press, Self-published) category. The Nautilus awards recognize books that promote spiritual growth, conscious living & sustainability, high-level wellness, and positive social change & social justice as they stimulate the imagination and inspire the reader to new possibilities for a better world. The Nautilus Book Awards includes several categories for both Books for General Readers and Books for Children – Teens – Young Adults. There are 35 general categories (some with A and B segments). The full list can be found in the categories page on the Nautilus Book Awards site: https://nautilusbookawards.com/categories/. To apply, nominees complete an online registration and submit payment. The full list of eligibility requirements can be found on the Entry Guidelines page on the Nautilus Book Awards website: https://nautilusbookawards.com/entryguidelines/. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance.

Rob Ragsdale was named as a 2023 Triangle Business Journal Corporate Leadership Award winner.

Disclosure 37: 2023 Triangle Business Journal Corporate Leadership Award – Rob Ragsdale

Rob Ragsdale was named as a 2023 Triangle Business Journal Corporate Leadership Award winner. The award recognizes top CEOs and executives and is awarded by the Triangle Business Journal (TBJ). Those who are recognize include CEOs, presidents, C-Suite titles (report directly to CEO/President), and regional heads of larger companies. There are two categories: 1-249 employees and over 250 employees. Eligibility requirements include strong financial performance, a key role in the success of the business, and community involvement. All nominees (excluding CEO/Presidents) must report directly to the CEO/President and must also reside in one of 16 counties that comprise the Greater Triangle region. Winners are announced on TBJ’s website and individually contacted via email. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Balentine is listed in the Inc. 5000 for 2023. Inc. 5000 is an editorial award that ranks companies by overall revenue growth over a three-year period.

Disclosure 38: Inc. 5000 (2023)

Balentine is listed in the Inc. 5000 for 2023. Inc. 5000 is an editorial award that ranks companies by overall revenue growth over a three-year period. The award is given by Inc. Magazine and recognizes America’s fastest-growing private companies. All 5000 companies are featured on Inc.com. Eligibility requirements include revenue generated by March 31, 2019, revenue of at least $100,000 in 2019, revenue of at least $2 million in 2022, be privately held, for profit, based in the U.S. and independent. To make the list, applicants must also submit an application on Inc.com and pay an application fee. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance.

Citywire Logo The Citywire RIA Award was awarded by Citywire to registered investment advisors (RIAs).

Disclosure 39: CityWire Fastest-Growing RIA (2023)

The Citywire RIA Award was awarded by Citywire to registered investment advisors (RIAs). The award is given to RIAs that are not affiliated on a firm level with a broker-dealer or other institution. Citywire looked at growth across three categories: percentage growth in AUM, monetary growth in AUM, and percentage growth in employees. These categories were combined into a single numerical measure of growth, to generate a list. Citywire uses only publicly reported numbers. Only firms that reported having a significant number of financial planning clients were considered to make sure only financial planning-oriented RIAs were considered and not money managers. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

The Girl Talk Inspiration Award was created by Girl Talk to honor an individual who has made significant contributions to the organization.

Disclosure 40: The Girls Talk Inspiration Award (2023)

The Girl Talk Inspiration Award was created by Girl Talk to honor an individual who has made significant contributions to the organization. Girl Talk is a non-profit organization that works with middle school and high school girls to help build skills in leadership, self-confidence, and volunteerism. The 2023 Inspiration Award recipient was Jennifer Dangar, who was honored for her advocacy for women and girls everywhere. Jennifer formerly served as Chair of Girl Talk and currently serves as Chief Operating Officer of Balentine. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Barron’s Advisor Hall of Fame award acknowledges advisors who have appeared in Barron’s annual Top 100 Advisor ranking for more than 10 years

Disclosure 41: Barron's Hall of Fame Award (2023)

Barron’s Advisor Hall of Fame award acknowledges advisors who have appeared in Barron’s annual Top 100 Advisor ranking for more than 10 years. The award recipients exemplify long-term success and commitment to their clients. Every two years, recipients of the Hall of Fame Award are recognized at Barron’s Advisor Hall of Fame Summit. Robert Balentine was inducted to Barron’s Hall of Fame in 2023. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 42: Net Promoter Score - World-Class Service

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used in customer experience programs. NPS scores are based on a single-question survey and reported with a number from the -100 to +100 range, with +100 being the highest score. Each respondent gives a rating between 0 (not likely) to 10 (extremely likely). The ratings are categorized into three categories: Promoters (score of 9 or 10), Passives (score of 7 or 8), and Detractors (score of 0 to 6). Promoters are those who are loyal and enthusiastic customers, passives are satisfied but unenthusiastic, and detractors are unhappy customers. A Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. Balentine sent all current clients the NPS survey in October 2023 asking the following question: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend Balentine to a friend, family member, or someone seeking wealth guidance? A total of 667 clients were sent the survey with 179 responding (27%). Of the 179 respondents, 151 were promoters, 20 were passives and 8 were detractors. The median NPS score is +44. The top 25% of performers receive an NPS score of +72 or higher. Balentine’s received an NPS score of 80, which indicates “world-class” service. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Balentine is a Financial Planning's 2023 RIA Leaders

Disclosure 43: Financial Planning's 2023 RIA Leaders

The RIA Leaders 2023: Top 150 Fee-Only RIA Firms list was produced by COMPLY and included in Financial Planning’s annual RIA Leaders issue. The list was compiled using Form ADV filings with the SEC to rank RIAs that meet the following six criteria: 1) firms must have zero registered representatives of a broker-dealer, 2) At least 50% of the firm’s clients must be individuals or high net worth individuals, 3) firms must not list commissions as a compensation arrangement, 4) firms must have zero financial planning clients, 5) firms must not list commission and 6) firms cannot be affiliated under common ownership with commission-taking businesses. The list includes 150 fee-only RIAs. Balentine was ranked #60. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

TBJ Logo for the Raleigh Book of Lists

Disclosure 44: Book of Lists - List of 25 Financial Planners (2024)

The Raleigh Book of Lists - List of 25 Financial Planners is created by The Triangle Business Journal. Financial Planners is one of the many industry lists published throughout the year. The lists are meant to provide readers with a look at the largest players in the industry. More than 70 firms across the Triangle area were surveyed. The firms in this list had to disclose the following criteria: licensed professionals in the triangle area, series 7 licensed brokers in the triangle area, total employees in the triangle, triangle locations, services offered, and name of triangle managers. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

The Top Regional RIAs 2023 report is produced by InvestmentNews and Includes Balentine

Disclosure 45: InvestmentNews: Top Regional Fee-Only RIAs 2023

The Top Regional RIAs 2023 report is produced by InvestmentNews and includes the largest fee-only RIAs by region based on data reported to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) on Form ADV. The list was compiled using Form ADV filings with the SEC. To qualify, RIAs must meet the following criteria, which includes the following: latest ADV filing date is either on or after August 1, 2022, total AUM is at least $100M, does not have employees who are registered representatives of a broker-dealer. For full list of requirements, please visit the Investment News website: https://www.investmentnews.com/best-in-wealth/top-regional-fee-only-rias-2023#methodologySection. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 46: Georgia Business Journal - Best of Georgia Honorable Mention Award 2023

The Best of Georgia award is given out by the Georgia Business Journal in more than 20 business and community categories. Categories include Arts & Entertainment, Beauty & Spa, Financial Advisors, etc. Each category typically includes three segments: “Best”, “Regional Winners” and “Honorable Mentions”. To be considered for an award, a nomination form must be completed. Winners are chosen by a combination of readers' votes and editors' input. The voting process is simple and easy: friends, fans and clients can vote for their favorite businesses once per day. Balentine received an honorable mention in the 2023 Best of Georgia Financial Advisors category. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

David Damiani was named a CFO of the Year finalist in the Small Private Company category by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and the Associate for Corporate Growth Atlanta.

Disclosure 47: Atlanta Business Chronicle - CFO of the Year - David Damiani (2024)

David Damiani was named a CFO of the Year finalist in the Small Private Company category by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and the Associate for Corporate Growth Atlanta. The 2024 CFO of the Year awards recognize Atlanta top corporate financial stewards. The Private Company Small category honors a CFO who has provided outstanding leadership at a private company in metro Atlanta with 2023 revenue of $49.99 million or less. CFO of the Year finalists will be honored at an awards event on May 16, 2024 and will be profiled in that week's issue of Atlanta Business Chronicle. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

TBJ Logo for the Raleigh Book of Lists

Disclosure 48: Triangle Business Journal - Book of Lists:Wealth Management Firms (2024)

TheBooks of Lists: Wealth Management is a ranking created by The Triangle BusinessJournal. Wealth Management Firms is one of the industry lists publishedthroughout the year. The lists are meant to provide readers with a look at thelargest players in the industry. The top 25 Wealth Management Firms are rankedby assets under management. Information for the 25 firms was obtained throughresearch of SEC docs and supplied by individual firms. Ratings are notrepresentative of any one client’s experience. The rating does not imply acertain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s futureperformance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or toreceive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 1: 2018 Most Admired CEO Award – Robert Balentine

Robert Balentine was named one of Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Most Admired CEO’s for 2018. These awards recognize established local leaders who have a strong vision for their companies, have shown commitment to culture in the workplace, and made significant contributions to the metro Atlanta community.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s 2018 Most Admired CEO award was comprised of 21 categories in addition to a Lifetime Achievement Award Winner. Within each category, two winners were selected. No individual could repeat the same category two years in a row and a reader’s choice award was no longer included. Additionally, the rules state that there can only be one submission in each category per person, and 42 executives were included; however, a total number of applicants was not disclosed. The selection criteria was divided into three components: How has the leader contributed to the company’s financial success?; how has the leader created a great work culture?; and how has the leader made contributions to the community? Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 2: Top New Vistage Speaker – Adrian Cronje (2019)

Adrian Cronje was recognized as a Top New Vistage Speaker of 2019. Award criteria include fewer than two years as a Vistage speaker; at least 10 and no more than 50 presentations total; a minimum average annual score of 4.7 in content, delivery, and real-world applicability; and a 95% or better member recommendation.

The Top New Vistage Speaker of 2019 is an award presented by Vistage Worldwide. In order to qualify for the award, the individual must have fewer than two years as a Vistage speaker; at least 10 and no more than 50 presentations in total; a minimum average annual score of 4.7 in content, delivery, and real-world applicability; and 95% or better in member recommendation. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 3: Atlanta’s Top 25 Financial Planning and Advisory Firms (2012-2021)

Atlanta Business Chronicle has named Balentine one of Atlanta’s 25 Largest Financial Planning and Advisory Firms, based on total assets under management for its Atlanta office, on ten consecutive occasions.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 25 Financial Planning and Advisory Firms award consists of 25 firms. Firms were ranked by total assets under management for Atlanta offices as part of the selection criteria. For each business, the following is listed: total AUM, total discretionary assets, total non-discretionary assets, total assets managed companywide, and the number of professionals in the area. The list of firms was locally researched by Patsy Conn of the Atlanta Business Chronicle. The total number of applicants was not disclosed. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 4: Atlanta’s Top 25 Money Managers (2012-2021)

Atlanta Business Chronicle has named Balentine one of Atlanta’s 25 Largest Money Managers, based on total assets under management (discretionary) for its Atlanta office, on ten consecutive occasions.

The Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Top 25 Money Managers award was comprised of 25 businesses. The total number of applicants who submitted responses and/or percentage who received the rating was not disclosed. As part of the selection criteria, businesses were ranked by total assets under management for Atlanta office (discretionary). For each business, the following is listed: total AUM for Atlanta office (discretionary), amount of equity based on total assets, amount fixed income of total assets, number of CFAs in Atlanta, total Atlanta staff, and a partial list of investment styles or products offered was also disclosed. The list was locally researched by Patsy Conn of the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 5: TiE Atlanta Top Entrepreneur Awards – Adrian Cronje (2018)

Adrian Cronje was one of 13 finalists recognized by TiE Atlanta's 2018 Top Entrepreneur Awards. The awards recognize Atlanta startups and companies that made a minimum revenue of $2 million and no more than $100 million in 2017. The awards are based on revenue growth, profitability, sustainability, leadership, culture, and innovation.

The TiE Atlanta Top Entrepreneur Awards recognizes entrepreneurs and business owners who have achieved success and helped build a better business community within the metro Atlanta area. To qualify for the award, each nominee was required to have a minimum revenue of $2 million and no more than $100 million in 2017. TiE Atlanta provides access to funding, educational programming, and mentoring by local and global leaders in hopes to inspire entrepreneurs in all industries, from ideation to exit. Awards were based on the following: revenue growth, profitability, sustainability, leadership, culture, and innovation. The three categories for this award were: Upper Market Entrepreneurs, Middle Market Entrepreneurs, and Trailblazer Entrepreneurs. The selected and honored entrepreneurs of Metro Atlanta were ranked 1-10 over these three categories by Atlanta CPA Alliance. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 6: InvestmentNews Best Practices Award (2016)

InvestmentNews named Balentine a winner of its 2016 Best Practices Awards, an initiative that recognizes the top-performing and most-innovative firms in the financial advice industry.  Balentine was one of 12 firms across the country to receive this honor.

The InvestmentNews Best Practices Award (2016) was comprised of 12 firms who were identified through their participation of the 2016 Financial Performance Study of Advisory Firms. The 2016 Best Practices Awards was an initiative that recognized the top-performing and most innovative firms in the financial advice industry. To identify the 2016 Best Practices Award winners, InvestmentNews Research created composite scores which examined rate of growth, profitability, and productivity levels for all the participants in the 2016 InvestmentNews Financial Performance Study. Those awarded “Best Practices” ranked among the top-quartile of all participants. Final firms were selected after qualitative interviews were conducted by the InvestmentNews Best Practices Committee. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.

Disclosure 7: Georgia Trend’s Most Notable Georgians – Robert Balentine (2015)

Georgia Trend named Robert Balentine one of the Most Notable Georgians in its January 2015 issue. This list of more than 80 Georgians represents people who are making an impact on the state of Georgia.

The Georgia Trend’s Most Notable Georgians (2015) award recognized 83 individuals. Selection was done by the Georgia Trend editorial staff based on knowledge and observations of the state’s power structure. Nominations were not accepted, and the number of individuals considered for the award was not disclosed. Ratings are not representative of any one client’s experience because the rating does not include a survey of clients or information on client experience. The rating does not imply a certain level of training and is not indicative of Balentine’s future performance. Balentine did not pay a fee to participate in this program or to receive recognition on this list.